Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Model Scams: Be Aware

Are you an exceptionally good looking man, who has been told that you would be a great model for magazines, catalogs, etc.?  Much of the publicity for models usually will go to women, but there is certainly a healthy and booming market out there for male models who want to step into the modeling industry.

If you are one of these individuals, and you want to be a model, it can be a highly lucrative career, but it is very important that you’re well informed of scams that might come your way. Wherever there is money to be made, there is also a scammer looking to take advantage. In order to avoid the hassle and keep your modeling career on the right path, it is recommended that you adhere to the following tips.

1. Big Pay – Little Work.
Fairly obvious but worth saying, everyone would like to make as much money as they can for as little work as possible. Bottom line: it's called efficiency, not greed. Maximizing it will ensure that you earn more for every bit of effort that you put into something. Many male modeling job scams will promise the world and make it seem absolutely too good to be true. If the tone of an ad is that acceptance is easy, or that you will somehow have jobs the next day, then you need to be leery and ask lots of questions. If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is, and you can get discouraged if you find yourself taken advantage of.

2. Pay to Work – NO!

Many so called "agents" will make it sound as if they can work wonders for your career, but they require a great deal from you in way of monetary expenses before they actually deliver any results. As a general rule for any industry, you should never pay be able to work for someone (agency or not) specifically. Attaining a certificate or degree of education from a college, university or accredited institution is one thing. Paying someone money to get a modeling gig for photos, representation or otherwise is an outright scam. Stay as far away as possible.

3. Do Your Research
If the ad/agency seems legitimate, you should still log on to third party sites and see what others are saying about the modeling agency granting you the opportunity.  If someone has been done wrong or scammed by this group, it will not take long for you to find them on the Internet. However, you should be careful with this aspect. Just because someone has made an enemy, that doesn't necessarily mean it was their fault. It is important to check with the Better Business Bureau if you have any remaining questions about someone's reputation.

In the end, its best to reflect on what you've been told and your own spirit. Not everyone is a model. While you may be good-looking or take a great photo, who's encouraging you?  Are you truly model material?  Often times, applicants answer that their mother or other relative has told them they have a great look. Ask yourself, beyond family, does this ring true?  In your own heart, you most of all, know if you possess what it takes to be a model.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ready or Not ... it's Swimwear Season

In an ideal world, those of us in the modeling industry would have been good boys and girls during those winter months and fully be prepared to confront Summer head-on, with perfect tone, shape and skin. The reality is, while we may not be completely camera ready, there are simple changes a model can make to ensure that he/she is in peak condition when that photo shoot comes.

swimwear, bleep models, male modeling, be a modelIt is said that we are our own worst critic, and as a professional model, you’ve got an even better idea of what photographers are looking for, so put that “skill” to some actual use! You know what aspects of your physicality are irking you, so make a “to-do” list for yourself. Don’t dwell on it, put it on paper, acknowledge it and change it! No negativity necessary, approach the list with a positive, enthusiastic outlook and put your own spin on it! 

Surely, diet figures in somewhere on that list, as what a model eats influences not only body aesthetic but also the appearance of your skin, and you may have adopted some less-than-healthy habits during the holiday season. Most importantly, drink enough water. The simplest way to calculate how much water you need per day is to take your weight (in lbs.) and divide it by 2. This number is how many ounces you need per day if you do not workout, live in a hot climate, high altitude and are feeling well. So you will obviously need to consume more than that if any of those factors apply to you. Other dietary changes that will help you get swimwear model-ready are limiting sugar/refined carbs and upping your intake of fresh fruits/vegetables.

With all of the above dietary changes, you should see results in your muscle definition already but, in combination with exercise, you will reach your optimal model shape in no time. Make sure to get some quality cardio to tone all over and get rid of any fat that may be hiding anywhere. Add to that some targeted ab work and any other area you have noted as needing improvement and Voila! Within a short period of time you will have gained some positive, healthy habits and achieved the model look you desire. I’d say, “Good luck,” but we both know you are well on your way to success!!