Friday, December 2, 2011

The Right Mindset

If you truly want to be a model, you're going to have to assume the right mindset. You can develop all the muscles you want and be a handsome brute of a man but it will all mean nothing if you're not ready to get in the game. As you'll learn, you need the body, along with the right mindset, to become a winner.

So What Is The Right Mindset?
To be a serious male model you have to think like a super-model. You have to understand why you are modeling for a career and then offer up what you have to give. To understand the right frame of mind, you'll need to first understand the wrong kind.

If you are entering the modeling field to be noticed and recognized, you're not going to make it - period. Likewise, if money is your motivation, you're going to be in for serious disappointment. Any model that is worth his salt has paid his dues to reach his final purpose. Purpose cannot be money or influence. It has to be something more - much more - and unique.

Valid Purpose:
Some men decide to be a model because they love being photographed, to bring out the best in themselves and share it with others. That, of course, is fine. Other men use photography as an art form of communicating with others. Fine, as well. As long as the purpose is not self-centered on personal gain and ego alone, you have a chance of making it big. 

Let's take the example of a lawyer. If he enters the field of law simply to make a lot of money and become famous, how long do you think his career is going to last? A lawyer needs to have a higher purpose in order to reach his secondary goals of fame and money. He needs to love the practice of law with every fiber of his body to become one of the top-notch lawyers that gets recognized.

See The Picture:
You need to sit down and think about what your purpose is for becoming the best model out there. Throw aside the fame and fortune and concentrate on what you really want to accomplish in your life. This way, you'll know if modeling is really something you want to do with your life.

When you get behind the camera you'll need to have the purpose and the right mindset behind your perfect body. This is the only way you will become one of the best models in the business and have a chance for success. If you want to be a model, you'll have to think like one and have the determination to achieve that ultimate purpose that leads you to your reach your goals.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Strongly Agree because the way we think will determine our success.

  3. we must also remember that maintaining a positive way of thinking is what will ultimately carry you to your desired outcome
